Getting Closer...

The Masak CNC is getting real close to being in the shop. Here’s a picture of it being unloaded at the local rigger’s facility. Yea, it’s big!


For those of you that want to know. This is an older Mazak Integrex 100SY. It weighs only 11,000 lbs… This is a dual spindle version and is technically a 5 axis milling machine. It has 20 positions on the Automatic Tool Changer so I’m hoping to have plenty of options for tools. This beast does all the normal lathe operations and adds the much needed milling operations. Not just milling in 2 axis but full 3d milling. My biggest problem will be programing it. It’s an entirely new ball of wax! if you know me, you’ll know I’m always up for a challenge. There’s a short video below of a machine that’s not mine but very close to the same machine.

Currently I’m contracting work to be done on the current shop to extend one side to house this monster. It’s been a difficult road. If you remember, we started out trying to get a new shop built and was part of the reason we moved out here. We have the room and I already built the pad but Covid and 2020 issues are causing more problems even today.


Supply chains are jack up and materials have more than quadrupled. What was, in the beginning, an easy build with many contractors ready to work, turned into a shortage of not just materials but also man power. Add the new Oklahoma laws allowing cannabis grow operations in the state… we live in a rural area that is perfect for grow operations. They have taken over and booked up most all of the contractors in the area to build green houses, shops, and warehouses. Again, add to that the fact that they are a 100% cash operation since most federal banks don’t allow funds to come from illegal (according to federal law) businesses. So what do you do with all that cash?? Well you wash it! Haven’t you seen all the movies? Seriously though. Buying property and building infrastructure is a fast way of getting that cash flow into the market. How do I compete with other businesses that are offering cash up front and 10-20% over even the current high market prices? I’ve heard a few contractors tell me their customers are literally giving them Amazon boxes of cash… They have run out of ways to store the cash and have started just storing it in boxes!! Did you know that large amounts of cash stacked in a damp storage facility can rot and become unusable in a matter of weeks?

All that to just say, competition is rough around here. Who would have ever thought I would be competing against the cannabis market??

Next step is concrete, then we set the machine and build over it. Yes, I’m having to build the shop over the machine due to the nature of it’s location. It’s a tight fit so it’s just easier to get the machine installed and build the shop extension over it. Remember, it’s only about 11,000 lbs and requires a big fort lift to move it around. Having a short roof to maneuver around is avoidable by just not having it in the way.

More updates coming soon. If there’s more you want to know about the process please let me know.


Dustin Bean